Women - Symbols Of Sacrifice

It is amazing how women are so wonderfully giving and loving. Their love is unconditional and forever. But unfortunately from the time of Ram's Sita & Kalidasa's Shakuntala up to the present day Women not much has changed.

In our culture, women have been time and again heralded as symbols ofsacrifice. This quality of sacrifice tagged to a woman.Sacrifice is not at all about denial or suppression of interests and desires. Sacrifice is about setting aside certain things while pursuing one's passion and interest that defines and creates who you are. Sacrifice is simply about choosing passion over other interests of life.

women who succumb to the false glory of sacrificing and are not even aware that in the process all they are really doing is killing their soul . To many such women the realization of this loss hits them at a much later age when often it is too late.

Only very few women remain courageous and stand their ground and pursue their passion and interest despite the resistance. Also very few women are fortunate to get the support of the family and are not expected to sacrifice.

Whether or not the woman needs to sacrifice anything, it must be her choice and not the choice made for her by her family. What must she sacrifice must also be her and her choice alone.

Here is an very interesting & inspiring story of a widow & her white piegon with lots of hopes,passions,sacrifices,dreams & desires narrated in a very different way.I dedicate these lines to all those women who sccumb to the false glory of sacrificing & struggling for freedom in the free universe.

Destiny Connection

White Friends

There stood the widow in her Pristine white grab staring vindictive at the setting sun,

As if to prevent him from making his glorious end for the arduous day,

She then looked beside her, at the appealing caged white feather bearing one ;

She thought to herself, was this similar feeling between them, in a manner to say ?

A lifetime she recollected had been spent by her in petering out a drab family life ,

The white friend too had struggled his way all his life into a stealthy hunter’s grasp,

She remembers being smitten by love, when the time had come of her to become a wife;

The feathered ally too had hoped of a life with its mate, away from a caged clasp;

Her flash back she began to iterate to her caged company, to bide this time of twilight,

Of a time when the love of her life wasn’t considered fit for her husband by parental reason,

She had to accept the will of her father, and close any hopes of her love being right;

The caged one looks on as tears rolled down her façade, like the human monsoon season;

Being a friend, she fluttered, flapped and glugged close to her, changing attention,

The widow too, paid good obedience to fondle her friend’s efforts, with a weak smile,

The two cuddled their pains against the fence of the winged one’s present detention;

A friendship was told in silence as the rest of life could all wait for a while …

The family Way

The widow remembers the marriage to her father’s selection, may years back before,

When her love was lost in worldly impressions and social status became her providence,

A husband who was well beyond her dreams, her reality sought love no more;

Arrangement as a family, she began to forget feelings that of her bachelor prominence;

A normal life is what she got from her spouse, cooking, children and home – unlimited,

Many years she spent as a wife and mother, maintaining the family tradition,

It was doing the same chores over and over again; time as tough, was cemented;

Her dreams had dried out in the cloak of responsibilities, with no left sensation;

A son she begot, whom she devoted her time and age to raise you as a youth,

As for her husband, she performed all the duties required of a homely attendant;

He was only looking for the pleasure of her physical company, a man uncouth;

Her son grew up and moved away, her husband too died, she was now no more dependant …

Hope Unlimited

Returning to now, she looks pitifully at her winged confidant, who was listening all the while,

Rekindiling her dormant hopes, dreams and desires, she looks at cage with a smile,

She bundles in her friend to carry in its freedom; the hopes of a lived in full celebration,

The cage opens; she embarks on her flight to that far heaven, her destiny connection !

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